History Lesson first:
I started my crafting career with scrapbooking (in high school) and then didn't really have much time and room for it in college. Scrapping to me is a very expensive, time consuming process that you don't seem to get enough out of in the end (ie... an hour of your work turns into ten seconds of someone scanning a page). I still do it occasionally and have entirely too many tools and paper and gadgets to give it up.
After college, I learned how to knit (this is what happens when you move to a new city and hardly know anyone - you find ways to amuse yourself). Despite my grandmother (Mama Sue) unsuccessfully trying to teach me to knit when I was little - I picked it up (with the help of Stitch-n-Bitch) fairly easily. Charleston has THE BEST knit shop and through strange circumstances I came across another friend (my age!) who knit. It became my obsession.
I still knit (alot) - but every summer I have a hard time knitting b/c who needs pounds of yarn on their lap when its 100+ degrees outside?!?
This summer I had a solution. I started sewing (this I had dabbled in before...but with 7 friends having babies -and not nearly enough time to knit for them all - and a brand spanking new sewing machine - thanks to my very BFF and all her family) I set to work sewing in the summer heat. I never could understand why people would sew and not quilt (b/c I have always loved handmade quilts) - so that was the next natural step in this (loooong) progression.
History lesson over - I am quilting. And to make sure I could do it (before jumping into it - two feet first!) I made a potholder - and quilted it - and binded it! And then I took it to my whole family to show off!! I am fairly proud of myself and very excited to say I am now fully immersed in this new world of quilting (and the blogs it has led me to!)
so here it is... my first quilted thing...
aren't you proud? :)
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